Host Keith and Sheila for Your Marriage Event!


And if your church or group is looking for a way to strengthen marriage, Sheila and Keith Gregoire provide real truth and profound teaching about marriage delivered with authenticity and humor.

Sheila is an award-winning marriage author, speaker and blogger, and Keith Gregoire is a pediatrician. Together, they’ve been speaking at marriage conferences since 2004.

Bantering back and forth at the podium, so that the audience witnesses healthy marriage interaction, they offer:

One-Time Events: Talks on Sex, Resolving Conflict, and Communication

One Day Marriage Retreat: A 4-talk day filled with teaching, projects, and fun!

Church Sermon: Micah 6:8 Lived Out in Relationship


Keith and Sheila are wonderful teachers on marriage and family.  They teach Christian principles with wisdom, humour and plenty of personal anecdotes.  You feel that you’ve been invited into their lives.  Their presentations are creative and well-prepared, but they go off-script just enough to be real and very, very funny.  We love teaching with them!

Neil and Sharol Josephson

Co-Directors, FamilyLife Canada


Option 1: Light The Fire Again! (A talk on sex)

Sheila, the author of The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex, is best known for speaking and writing about sex. And when she does her women’s talk on sex, churches often ask, “I wish our men could hear this, too!”

Here’s your chance! Together, Sheila and Keith share God’s design for sex, why it’s often such a source of tension in our marriages, and then how to make it rock: physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Option 2: Playing for the Same Team (a talk on resolving conflict)

Instead of focusing on who is going to win each disagreement, let’s find the win-win! Because if one of you has to win, then the other has to lose. And who wants to be married to a loser?

Using lots of role play, tons of their own stories, and biblical teaching, Keith and Sheila share how to figure out the REAL issue you’re fighting about (it’s usually not what you think!), and how to find that resolution.

Option 3: What Are You Talking About? (a talk on communication)

We all know that men and women communicate differently, but gender differences aren’t the only things that cause misunderstandings. So do personality differences, different backgrounds, and more. And since we all have so many differences, it’s no wonder misunderstandings occur!

In this talk, Sheila and Keith share about our basic differences, and give couples tools to communicate better. The main teaching point: believing the best about your spouse not only smooths over differences–it’s also usually far more accurate than believing the worst!

We loved Keith and Sheila’s sessions! They were funny but also so real–sharing their struggles as well as their successes. They made us feel comfortable and helped us be able to talk about some difficult things again. It was after that conference that we started to make time going for walks and communicating better. It was a life changer for us!

Steeve and Tammy Arseneau

Conference Attendees


A one-day event allowing couples to connect, talk, and recommit to their relationship!

The one-day event has 4 talks, with projects that couples can do provided during the breaks.

Talk 1: The Big Picture–Stop the Drift!

A funny talk about what pulls us apart–including gender differences, communication differences, and more, with exhortation to be intentional about staying together. Drifting is natural; keeping close takes work.

Talk 2: The Big Vision–Do You Know Where Your Marriage is Going?

When couples can see where they’re headed, it’s easier to figure out what they may be doing now that’s stopping them from reaching their goals. This talk has practical ways to catch God’s unique vision for each particular marriage and family, and helps couples talk through their goals.

Note: this talk can be tailored either towards marriage or parenting if your church would like some parenting content in the day!

Talk 3: The Big Challenge–Understanding Each Other

Not only gender differences hinder communication–we also have personality differences, different backgrounds, and different daily lives. All of this too easily leads to misunderstandings, which causes walls to build up. In this talk, we’ll learn how to stop adding bricks to those walls, and how to break down the ones that are already there.

Talk 4: The Big Gift–Making Love

Billions of people have had sex. But how many have really made love? In this hilarious but informative talk, Sheila and Keith share why God designed sex as He did, why we often have so much tension around it, and how we can make sex great–physically, emotionally, AND spiritually.

I am a huge fan of Sheila’s. I love to brag to my friends that I know her personally, because I feel like she’s a celebrity and that makes me a celebrity. I was her daughter’s camp counsellor when she was younger, and I knew their whole family through a family camp that we were all involved with. Something that I noticed when I was babysitting her daughters at camp was that Sheila and Keith had taken two of the single mattresses and combined them to make one bed. At the time, I remember thinking, “Can’t they go a week without being in the same bed?”  But now that I follow Sheila’s blog, and pass it on to all of my married friends, I know the REAL reason that they did that, and I can vouch that she practices what she preaches… even through that small example!
My husband and I received a wedding gift to a FamilyLife Conference two months after we were married, from friends that had gone and loved it. Sheila and Keith were two of the speakers, and we were able to relate to a lot of the things that they were talking about, even two months into marriage! We’re now returning to a FamilyLife Conference with three couples that have heard us pass on their advice. The Gregoires are super approachable and down-to-earth, but most of all authentic and “real people”. They’re funny and transparent, and sincerely want to help others improve marriages and families.
Heather Seymour

Conference Attendee

I have known Keith and Sheila for 15 years. They are a godly and gifted couple. They have a tremendous gift of communicating a broad range relevant Christian subjects in a creative and clear way. They are engaging and energizing. I would highly recommend them as speakers for your church and ministry.

Pastor Peter Kenniphaas

Ferndale Bible Church, Peterborough, Ontario


A recipe for a great relationship:

  • Love mercy.
  • Stand up for Truth.
  • Figure out the balance by walking humbly with God.

Micah 6:8 gives us the blueprint for successful relationships–whether it’s in marriage, at work, or with family. In this sermon, Keith and Sheila go back and forth teaching about God’s design for healthy communication and healthy conflict resolution techniques.

Note: If you would like a sermon that isn’t as generic about relationships, but is focused primarily on marriage, Keith and Sheila can adapt Talk #1 from their one day marriage event on Drift. It works well as a sermon, too!

Want more information about booking Keith and Sheila for your marriage event?

Just email their assistant Tammy. She’d love to help you!